Thursday 4 September 2014

Squamish 50 km - Is done!!

Sunday August 17th 2014 was D day.  Ten months ago, in the middle of October, I had a plan that I was going to run for Charity.  I ran for the organization Room to Read and raised $3,000 from family, friends, and co-workers.

It was a long haul to go from zero to 50km in 10 months but I had a great time doing it.  I've met some of the most wonderful people, and ran my heart out in the mountains that I love so much.

The run was not without challenges.  There was 2,500 meters of elevation, I had only ever done a maximum of 1,500 meters in any given run.  This was only my second 50 km ever, having run at Sun Mountain in Winthrop, WA in May as a test run.

I hardly ran the two weeks before, as I had some quad issues crop up about 6 weeks before the race that were stubborn and hanging on. I had been fighting my ribs moving out of place for the three weeks before the race, and of course I had a rib pop out during the run.   I had cramps in my calves that I had never experienced before.  But through it all I still had a smile on my face, and good cheer in my soul.

Beautiful river we ran over
The trail was beautiful.  It was mostly single track, winding thru huge cedar trees.  Trails were often lined on either side with soft moss and billowy ferns.  These are mountain bike trails, and we were often times running on the wooden raised biking trails.

The climbs were steep, and the downhill was very technical.  There was huge roots, and rocks to navigate around and over.  Big steps down.  That was essentially the run.  Run up, run down.  Run up, run down - repeat many times.  Little bit of flat to get you started, and a little bit of flat to get you to the finish.

It never ceases to amaze me how your personal level of what is acceptable and what is not goes out the window when you are out there.  I mean how often do you go to a buffet and stick your (rather dirty hand) into a bowl of food and jam it into your mouth - after about 100 people have already done the same before.  Or use a sponge in a bucket of ice water to splash over your head - with 100 people already doing the same ahead of you - same sponge, same water - and the water drips back into the bucket.  .   .

Overall I had a pretty decent run to about km 30.  Then on the downhill the cramping got pretty bad.  I had to try to run on my heels so that I wouldn't cramp.  But when the step down was too steep, I had to stop and go down sideways.  I tell you, the last 10 km were long.  and the last 5 km were somehow even longer!

It's true, that no matter how shitty you think your situation is, there is always somebody with a worse situation going on.  I met a guy on the hill climb up the the 30 km mark and he asked me if the trail looked familiar to me.  I said it did not, and asked if it looked familiar to him.  He said yes it did.  I laughed it off for him and said 'oh it's probably just the trees that look the same'.  At the top of the hill there was a lady checking off bib numbers - turns out she'd already checked his number off already . . . yikes!!

I am excited that I finished.  But not finishing was never an option for me - due to having collected money for charity.  I couldn't report back and say thanks so much - but I didn't do it - just wasn't going to happen.  It did take me longer than I had hoped.  I was hoping for 8 to 8.5 hrs - but I finished in 9 hrs and 4 min.

People already ask would I do the run again.  Yes I would.  I have definitely found a sport that I love and and will stick with it for the coming years.  However, I have a bit of break planned as I will be off travelling for 2 months.  

Thursday 19 June 2014

Wanna be a Downhill Demon?!

 When running I tend to be a heel striker.  And I guess when I used to run down the hill you could totally tell.  It's loud when you strike down on your heel first.  Thunk! Thunk!  Thunk!  All the way down the hill!!  A few weeks before I ran Sun Mountain in Winthrop, Wa I participated in a downhill running clinic put on by my running coach.

I was sure glad for the instruction because When I ran in Winthrop, I was amazed at how many people ran down the hill so slowly.  I'm not a speedy runner, but I passed so many people running down the hill, just because I had a good technique.  The downhill instruction gave me confidence, and allowed me to descent at a faster pace.  Here is what I learned:

  • Lean forward from the hips an ankles, remembering to keep your chest open so that you can breath.  It's a bit counterintuitive, at least for me to do this, but it sure helps with speed and stability.  If you trip, it's a lot easier to keep going and correct, then if you lean back.  If you are leaning back you typically fall on you butt.
  • Your foot should strike the ground on the mid foot, underneath your hips.  If your foot hits the ground too far in front then you are stressing your calfs and other muscles.  Also, don't let your foot be in contact with the ground for too long.  Focus on short quick rotation. 
  • Use your core to stabilize yourself,and your arms for balance and regulating your speed.  Lifting your arms out to the side will provide stability and reduce your speed.
  • Make sure you are looking down the hill in front of you and not at your feet.  I find this one difficult.  You need to know what is coming up.  Surprisingly, your feet will know what to do based on what you've already seen and processed a few seconds ago.  Shortly after I took this clinic, I was running down and a trail and suddenly 'remembered' to look up.  Not 30 or 40 seconds later I saw a snake on the trail!  I was able to safely navigate around it.  Had I been looking at the ground I probably would have stepped on it!  So very important to look ahead!!

Running down the hill fast gives me such a rush!  It's so much fun.  However it can really fatigue your muscles so in a race I have to be careful not to push it too much or I might not have anything left in my legs later on.

Here's a photo of what not to do (before downhill instruction) As you can see I'm loaning back into the hill, and sticking with my heel first.  - I don't have a photo of what to do  :(

Sunday 15 June 2014

Happiness is new trails

Today we ran McDougall Rim Trial.  This was a first time for me on this trail.  I love running in new areas and discovering new trails.  It was pretty with all the wild flowers out, and the forested trails.  We were a slow group today, but we were out there for 4 hours and 12 minutes.  Good company and lots of conversation made the hours fly by.  We did 940 meters in elevation - it felt like nothing!  The first two hours were up and up and up on the backside of the mountain.  Across the top had some fantastic view spots, and the long descent, was as always so much fun!!  The top of the Rim trail is above the Rose Valley run, that I wrote about here.

Check out this view off the back side of the mountain:

Here's some shots of our group:

A great time was had by all!!  I love where I live!!

Chicken Saag - Food from India

No all my posts are about running.  I love to cook and eat good food too!!  Last night I made an Indian dish - called Chicken Saag.  It is chicken thighs done in a spinach sauce.  I love it so much.  It's mildly spiced, so something most people would enjoy.  We had it with some rice and naan bread. . . You're only suppose to have it with rice or naan bread, but hey carbs are good - esp when you are going out for a 4 hr plus run the next day.  These are the leftovers that I am having for lunch - no left over naan  :(

The recipe comes from 'Best Ever Indian Cookbook', and the recipes are health conscious.  Reduced fat, and use healthy alternatives to cream etc.  It's pretty easy to make.  I've made a photo of the recipe - I hope you can read it!!

We paired this dish with a riesling from one of our local wineries 8th Generation located in Summerland, BC.  It's still sweet, but the sweetness is much lighter than in a typical riesling.  They went together fantastically.  If you like spinach I seriously recommend this dish!!  Even my husband's daughter, who generally doesn't eat vegetables, (esp not tomatoes - yes there are tomatoes in the recipe as well) liked it - I don't think we told her there were tomatoes in it .  .  .  :)

Wednesday 11 June 2014

Hell Hill!!

There is this hill that we do hill repeats on.  We call it Hell Hill!!  It's one hell of a big hill.  It happens to be right across the street from my house as well - so it's definitely something I do on a regular basis.  Here is a very short part of the hill:

Tonight I did 4 repeats.  The most I had ever done before was 3 and the 4th one was tough.  We're doing it 2 more times this clinic so I'll be doing 5 the next time and then 6 after that.  Yes, this is training for my race in Squamish, BC, Canada.  Here is the link if you'd like to check it out:  Squamish Link  I'm doing the 50km, but there is a 50 mile option as well as a 23km option.

My house is really close to the trail.  there is a junction on the trail part way up that if you go right it takes you the road, and then cross the road and voila - I'm at home.  I liken it to doing a run that you have to run by your car every hour.  The first run by is easy - no worries - things are good.  The second run by feels like a 2 hour run, still feeling pretty good, hardly notice the 'car'.  By the third pass I'm thinking. . . hmmm might be nice to head to the right . . .  By the fourth pass, it feels like a four hour run and I'm almost begging myself to turn right!!

I got home from the run, cracked open a beer and sat on the patio with the garden hose running cold water over my legs - Yeah baby - that felt good!!

Here's the view from the top of Hell Hill.  I got to experience this 4 times!!  Well actually I could have experienced it 4 times . . .but I forgot to look . . . :(  It's Hell Hill - what can I say!!

Sunday 8 June 2014

Apres Run . . .

Running long distances, and training 5 times a week requires that I look after my body well if I hope to remain injury resistant and healthy.  I thought the running would be the hard part - but it's actually the maintenance that I struggle with!!

These are some of the things that I do to ensure that my body will be able to recover and continue on:

1.  Stretch before and after running.

2.  Drink a recovery protein drink such as 'Boost' shortly after I'm finished doing a longer run.

3.  'Roll out' on a foam roller 3 to 4 times a week.

4.  If I feel any tweeks of pain in any areas especially foot, ankle calf area I will give it an ice bath after running.

5.  When my muscles ache I'll take an epsom salt bath.

6.  I try to train at the gym 5 days a week before I go to work.  At the gym I do Yoga 2 times per week, On the other three days, I lift weights for my upper body and lower body, and I will do core, glute and hip strengthening exercises as well as additional stretching.

7.  If I'm watching TV, I will massage an manipulate my feet and toes - just for something to do.  And besides it feels good!!

But if I am totally honest with you the above is a list of best practices and I don't get to all of it all the time.  What I do focus on the most is stretching and rolling as much as I can.  But's let's face it - life is busy and often gets in the way.  Rolling and stretching takes a lot of energy, and sometimes I just don't feel like I've got it.

What I do know is that when I take the time to do the things I should, and look after myself I feel so much better and healthy.  I am less sore after my long runs and recover much more quickly.

Is there anybody that does anything different that would like to share what they are doing?

Tuesday 3 June 2014

Training - Can Be Time Consuming!

Training for an ultra is a huge time commitment.  I am also a CPA in public practice and from January until April my full time job turns ino a full-time plus a part-time job.  During this time basically all I do is work, run, eat and sleep.

So how do I do it?!?!  I don't have any kids, so this makes it much easier already.  I also have a husband that supports me in everything that I do, and I am so grateful for him.  Overall he makes my life pretty easy!  January to April he takes over.  I'm fed, have clean laundry and a clean home - no complaints!  I could only hope to be half as supportive as him.  Oh and did I mention that he's totally handsome as well!!

He doesn't run.  He's a tennis guy so we have to make an effort to find time to do things together.  I do play tennis with him sometimes, and we both like to mountain bike.  The key to keeping it all together I think is respecting each other's interests, but ensuring that we are regularly connecting and doing fun stuff together.  It's pretty easy to get absorbed in what your goals are, and forget that you have to nurture your relationship as well.

He is so awesome and so good to me.  I love him so much, and am so lucky to have such a supportive wonderful man by my side. :)